In 2008, the Ford Foundation made its first foray into using the Grantee Perception Report (GPR) conducted by the Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) for vital feedback on how grantees perceive us. Between then and 2017, CEP administered the survey on behalf of...
The CEP blog aims to offer a range of perspectives, experiences, and opinions related to effective philanthropic practice. We welcome submissions that address crucial issues facing individual and institutional donors and are not self-promotional in nature. The views expressed in these posts are not necessarily CEP’s own.
10 Things Your Grantees Might Be Saying About You
In a CEP blog post published earlier this week, I offered up a list of 10 Grantee Perception Report participants who had made their assessment results public in 2023 as a way to both thank our many partners in the last year and reflect on what role feedback...
A Year-Commencement List and a Note of Thanks
Of all the rituals we associate with the new year — stowing away the suitcases from holiday travel, returning unwanted gifts, tacking a new calendar onto the fridge — for many of us, the moments of introspection and reflection are what hold the most meaning. The...
Spaciousness, Trust, and Collaboration: Reflections on the Effects of MacKenzie Scott’s Funding
On behalf of the Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO) staff, board, and community of colleagues representing multiple industry sectors and areas of focus, we reiterate our gratitude for being included in the 2021 cohort of grant recipients for Mackenzie...
Reparations is an Investment in the Future
What will it take to create a more equitable America? Increasingly, that conversation is turning to reparations for Black people and building a culture of racial repair for everyone, as the missing piece. As of now, at least 80 national funders, including the Ford...
What We Learn When We Listen: Student Feedback and Foundation Strategy
What is one thing the country’s largest private foundation has in common with nearly every other foundation in the U.S.? The need for feedback to ensure it is implementing the smartest version of its strategy. In fall 2022 the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation...
10 (Additional) Lessons Learned for Funders Considering the Grantee Perception Report
In 2020, Luminate, a global philanthropic organization, commissioned CEP to survey its grantee partners through the Grantee Perception Report (GPR). In 2023, Luminate commissioned a second Grantee Perception Report. This blog is a follow-up to the “10...
Philanthropy Take Note: The Impact of Big Gifts at HBCUs
For the past two years, I have had the honor to serve on an advisory board for the Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) as they continue to study the effects of large, unrestricted gifts on philanthropy through the lenses of both recipients and funders. I...
How to Move from Giving to Co-Creating: A Playbook for Program Officers
Our beliefs and attitudes determine how we interpret and respond to the world. This is no less true for how we define success and failure than it is for how we approach philanthropy. Our mindset can make all the difference in how we show up, interpret, and respond to...
Funders and Nonprofit Leaders: Can We Talk?
Two years into CEP’s study of the effects of MacKenzie Scott’s grantmaking on the social change sector, the findings are overwhelmingly positive. Scott’s strategy of making multimillion-dollar gifts with no strings attached has led to significant,...
The Power of Trust-Based Philanthropy for Black Women Leaders
Trust-based philanthropy means something different to black women nonprofit leaders. We are often not trusted out of the gate because of bias due to our intersectional identity. We are often questioned about our decisions — and we are often treated as if we are not...
The Trust Gap: What Funders Can Learn from MacKenzie Scott’s Giving
“We don’t want to hire someone and then we have to fire them because the money runs out, right? We want to create something that’s meaningful and potentially self-sustaining.” “Sometimes managing the dollars is a little more difficult, because it’s not necessarily...
Emerging Impacts: Going Deeper on the Effects of MacKenzie Scott’s Large, Unrestricted Gifts
The positive effects of MacKenzie Scott’s massive, unrestricted gifts are increasingly apparent and, to date, the experiences of recipient organizations belie widespread concerns about negative unintended consequences from her approach. These are among the key...
Weaving Trust-Based Philanthropy into a Participatory Initiative
Funders across the United States are shifting their approaches to philanthropy in order to more meaningfully involve and shift power to people from the communities they are funding. Two popular approaches that may provide a counterweight to the harmful power dynamics...
Philanthropy’s Role in Making Climate Change a Greater Bipartisan Priority
Recent commentary by former Republican officials has drawn attention to the question of philanthropic funding for engaging right-of-center constituencies on climate change. Writing in the Chronicle of Philanthropy and Politico, former representatives Carlos Curbelo...
Deploying Funding for Scale: Four Lessons from Funders
Earlier this fall, Spring Impact, in collaboration with Impact for Breakfast, hosted an event, ‘Deploying Funding for Scale: Lessons from Investors,’ alongside British International Investment and Epic Foundation. The conversation was focused on...
Investing in the Black Rural South to Enable Social Mobility Nationwide
In the past decade, eye-opening data on the fading of the American Dream have prompted a range of philanthropic efforts to boost economic mobility in the U.S. In recent years, many funders have devoted more attention to elevating economic mobility...
Letting Lived Experience Lead the Way
During my 11 years working at grassroots nonprofits, funders contacted me for input but didn’t include me in their decision-making. As a formerly incarcerated, directly impacted person, it felt transactional. I walked away from the meetings, wishing I could one...
CEP2023 Day 3: But for (Effective) Philanthropy
This afternoon, as we closed the doors on the final session of the CEP conference, our whirlwind three days together at CEP2023 came to an end. As you each return to your own lives, families, and work, we hope you leave us with a plethora of new ideas, tools, and...
CEP2023 Day Two: Trick or Treating for Grantmakers
CEP2023 attendees brought their Halloween spirit to day two of the CEP conference, and we hit the ground running with a packed morning as author and cofounder of Candid Jacob Harold took the main stage to deliver a message of strategic abundance for philanthropy. ...