Kevin Bolduc introduces guest blogger, Linda Wood, senior director, leadership and grantmaking at the Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund.
The CEP blog aims to offer a range of perspectives, experiences, and opinions related to effective philanthropic practice. We welcome submissions that address crucial issues facing individual and institutional donors and are not self-promotional in nature. The views expressed in these posts are not necessarily CEP’s own.
Report Watch: Rejecting False Dichotomies
Phil Buchanan shares a favorite excerpt from the Monitor Institute report “What’s Next for Philanthropy.”
Report Watch: The Future of Philanthropy (and Your Next Board Meeting)
Phil Buchanan recommends two reports on the philanthropic sector and suggests them as reading material for foundation board meetings.
Education Funders: Step Up and Hear from Those You Seek to Help
Phil Buchanan explains why CEP, which is focused on improving funder effectiveness, is surveying high school students about their educational experiences.
Those Who Should Matter Most
Phil Buchanan writes about stakeholder engagement and YouthTruth, CEP’s project to help funders better understand the experience of their beneficiaries.
Report Watch: Engaging Stakeholders
Phil Buchanan reviews Grantmakers for Effective Organizations’ guide for stakeholder engagement.
Wall Street Saves the World!
Phil Buchanan takes on the “business-to-the-rescue” attitude of the media and Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg.
Report Watch: Giving While Living Requires Inspiration and Good Strategy
Senior Research Analyst Andrea Brock reviews a recent Atlantic Philanthropies report, noting it is “inspiring” but could urge donors to give in a more thoughtful way.
BP Oil Spill: A Cautionary Tale on Blurring of Sector Boundaries?
Writing about the BP oil spill, Phil Buchanan raises four thought-provoking questions for nonprofit leaders.
One Foundation’s Efforts to Support Grantees in a Time of Need
CEP’s research shows that while many grantees have experienced poor communication and little help from their funders during the economic downturn, some funders did more than others. The Cleveland Foundation was one of them. In this interview, Senior Research Writer Judith Ross asked its leaders what they did.
Funders Agree: More Must Be Done to Assess Performance
Phil Buchanan blogs about CEP’s market assessment survey, noting that while CEP’s work has made important inroads, there is much work to do when it comes to foundation performance assessment.
Assessment and Social Justice Funding
Sindhu Knotz and Mishan Araujo discuss social justice funders in a post inspired by a session at 2010 Council on Foundations annual conference.
Taking the Next Step(s)
Kathleen Enright, president and CEO of Grantmakers for Effective Organizations, offers steps all funders can take to benefit their grantees, regardless of the funder’s goals or strategies.
Rules of Engagement
Kathleen Enright, president and CEO of Grantmakers for Effective Organizations, shares her thoughts on whether or not funders should be problem solvers or social investors.
Through Others’ Eyes
Kathleen Enright, president and CEO of Grantmaker’s for Effective Organizations (GEO), tackles the concept of philanthropic empathy.
Introducing Guest Blogger Kathleen Enright
Phil Buchanan introduces guest blogger Kathleen Enright, president and CEO of Grantmakers for Effective Organizations.
CEP Releases New Foundation-Grantee Relationship Research
Vice President—Research Ellie Buteau, PhD introduces CEP’s latest research publication on foundation-grantee relationships, “Working with Grantees.”
Naming Names: Five of the Best Program Officers
Phil Buchanan offers a preview of “Working with Grantees” and explains why CEP selected five exemplar program officers to highlight in the report.
Crystal Hayling Reminds Us of 5 Things We Know, But Keep Forgetting
Phil Buchanan shares excerpts from Crystal Hayling’s speech to the Association of Black Foundation Executives, calling it “one of the best talks on philanthropy” he has ever heard.
The Case for Foundation Performance Assessment
Jim Canales of the James Irvine Foundation shares six questions that have been central to his foundation’s approach to performance assessment.