On Saturday evening in Denver, I had the great pleasure of hearing one of the best talks on philanthropy I have ever heard. The venue was the Association of Black Foundation Executives’ James A. Joseph Lecture and the speaker was Crystal Hayling, a member of CEP’s board. Crystal, who was until December the president of the Blue Shield of California Foundation, and is now living in Singapore with her family, entitled her talk 5 Things We Know, But Keep Forgetting.
Describing the first of the “5 Things,” she said:
Crystal went on to describe the four other “things we know but keep forgeting.” Number 2: The time is now. Number 3: Design matters. Number 4: Technology is just a tool. But it’s a power tool. Number 5: We Need New Leadership.
This was the kind of talk that simultaneously inspires you and makes you reach for a notebook and pen. Crystal’s words got me thinking in a way most talks don’t.
It’s well worth reading every word.
Editor’s Note: CEP publishes a range of perspectives. The views expressed here are those of the authors, not necessarily those of CEP.
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