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Hannah Bartlebaugh

Master of Public Policy candidate, Duke University's Sanford School of Public Policy (as of July 2018)

Former position at CEP/YouthTruth:
Senior Marketing Community and Engagement Coordinator

Length of tenure at CEP/YouthTruth:
2 years

What are you up to these days?
I’m currently pursuing a Master of Public Policy at Duke University’s Sanford School of Public Policy, focusing on K-12 education policy.

How did your time at CEP prepare you for that you are doing now?
My experience at CEP/YouthTruth was great preparation for policy school – it helped me develop skills that I still use every day. I had the chance to learn incredibly useful project management skills, how to interpret and translate data analysis findings into everyday language, and how to work effectively and get a ton done with a small team.

What do you miss most about working at CEP?
Definitely the people! The San Francisco office was a small but mighty crew during my time there and I loved the camaraderie. Having the opportunity to work with so many smart and hardworking people who really cared about the work they were doing really helped shape for me what I will look for in all future workplaces. The view from the office was also pretty darn great.

What advice would you give someone about working at CEP?
Appreciate what a unique and positive culture you have. Ask as many questions as you possibly can, and voice your ideas and input!

Describe your perfect Sunday.
75 and sunny with just a hint of a breeze. I wake up without an alarm and then spend the day doing something fun outside, followed by a huge burrito for dinner.

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