This is the first in a series of posts contributed by the Feedback Incentives Learning Group, a group of funders dedicated to encouraging peer funders to listen to the people most harmed by the systems and structures they seek to change and to supporting their...
The CEP blog aims to offer a range of perspectives, experiences, and opinions related to effective philanthropic practice. We welcome submissions that address crucial issues facing individual and institutional donors and are not self-promotional in nature. The views expressed in these posts are not necessarily CEP’s own.
Investing in the Strength of People and Organizations in Times of Crisis
At the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, we believe one of the most powerful pathways to transformational change is investing in the strengths and capacities of leaders and organizations to adapt to a quickly changing world and amplify their impact. Over the past...
Who Chooses? Shifting and Sharing Power with People Most Impacted by Philanthropy’s Decisions
“The power in this approach is that we get to pick our own champions.” Billy Kinney, one of the Native members of Fund for Shared Insight’s participatory grantmaking group for the “Kolea region” — an area encompassing Alaska and Hawai’i and named for a bird that...
Beyond ‘Overlooked’: The Opportunity of the Moment
First, if you are reading this, I’d like to commend you on your commitment to this work, our world, and our relatives with whom we have shared the most challenging and unnatural experience of a generation. This pandemic has verified the Indigenous teaching that we...
Start by Asking: How One Funder Elevates Non-Grantmaking Support
As a funder supporting organizations that create and provide Jewish learning opportunities, the Jim Joseph Foundation is inherently in a position of power in the funder-grantee relationship. While we acknowledge this reality, we also try to minimize this “power...
Moving Together Towards Abundance
I write to you today from Mni-Sota Makoce — the homeland of the Dakota and Anishinaabe people. I acknowledge the ancestors, past, present, and emerging, of all the land we work and live on and their Ancestral Spirits with gratitude and respect. How often have you...
What We Learned from Black and Latino Nonprofit Leaders About Countering Racial Bias in Our Grantmaking
In philanthropy, research shows that race is a factor in determining which organizations get funded and at what levels. For example, a 2020 report from Echoing Green and The Bridgespan Group found that unconscious bias, the limited networks of largely white...
Step up, Speak Up, and Join Us in Supporting AANHPI Communities
A recent report from the Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) titled Overlooked (Part 1): Foundation Support for Asian American and Pacific Islander Leaders and Communities highlighted, as one of its key findings, that AAPI nonprofit leaders report having less...
Advancing Equity with Better Demographic Data Collection Practices
In its recently released report, Foundations Respond to Crisis: Lasting Change?, the Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) shared new research in which foundations reported working differently now than in early 2020 — and indicated plans to sustain most of these...
Demographic Data Collection: The Personal, the Practical, and the Potential for Impact
Within my first couple weeks of starting college, my Junior Advisor (Williams College’s student equivalent of a dorm parent) gathered a dozen of my “entry” mates for our Welcoming Williams session, which I now recognize was my first ever formal diversity, equity, and...
Feedback’s Role in Shifting Power to Those Least Heard
In the past few years, there have been a lot of urgent conversations about the need to center work on communities, commit to equity, and rethink how systems like philanthropy and services are carried out. However, in some circles these conversations have avoided...
Eight Signs Your Board Might Be Dysfunctional
We’ve spent a ton of time in foundation board rooms, for better and for worse. We’ve also been board members and guest speakers at operating nonprofits and one of us staffed two college boards decades ago. Many of those experiences have been engaging and positive....
Asking the Right Questions to Make a Greater Impact in Overlooked Communities
As a leader of a global anti-human trafficking organization serving some of the most underserved populations, I am energized by my sensitivity to others’ needs. This empathy compels me to form strong relationships with not only the clients I serve through Nomi...
Philanthropy: Prioritize Native-Led Solutions
The Center for Effective Philanthropy’s (CEP) recent report on funding disparities faced by Native-serving nonprofits highlights what many of us in the equitable philanthropy movement have long known: Indigenous communities are not receiving the support that we...
Foundations and the Depth of Racial Equity
As program officers at the Ford Foundation who helped commission CEP’s two-part study, Foundations Respond to Crisis, we’re heartened to see that many funders plan to maintain the more flexible practices they adopted in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and racial...
Shedding Light on the Overlooked
This past spring, we were in Chinatown San Francisco visiting low-income Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) youth who live in 150 square foot tenements with their families, sharing bathrooms and a kitchen with a dozen families on the same floor. Their families are...
Funders Share Stories of Change, Part Three: Listening, Collaboration, & Systems Change
This is part three of a CEP blog series in which leaders from eight foundations shared — in their own words — the most important changes they have made at their foundation since 2020 that they plan to sustain going forward. These funders’ stories, which can be read in...
The Importance of Talking About — and Collecting Data on — Race to Improve Racial Equity
Not so long ago, the word “race” was something that many people shied away from — a four-letter word not to be spoken in polite company. Similarly, “racial equity” and “racial justice” were terms mostly used by advocates and experts. Today, these terms come up in...
Philanthropy’s Role in Reinforcing Settler Colonialism
The new Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) report, Overlooked (Part Two): Foundation Support for Native American Leaders and Communities, sheds further light on the experiences of Native American nonprofit leaders when it comes to their interactions with funders...
Funders Share Stories of Change, Part Two: Increased Flexibility & Responsiveness
This is part two of three in a CEP blog series in which leaders from eight foundations shared — in their own words — the most important changes they have made at their foundation since 2020 that they plan to sustain going forward. These funders’ stories, which can be...