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The CEP blog aims to offer a range of perspectives, experiences, and opinions related to effective philanthropic practice. We welcome submissions that address crucial issues facing individual and institutional donors and are not self-promotional in nature. The views expressed in these posts are not necessarily CEP’s own.

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Happy Holidays from CEP!
Happy Holidays from CEP!

Around this time every year, our natural inclinations lead us to think back on the year as it has passed, reflecting on all that we’ve done, who we’ve done those things with, and how we’ve changed. Here at CEP, that’s what’s been on our...

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Thank You to Our 2014 Tools Users
Thank You to Our 2014 Tools Users

During our annual all-staff week at the end of the year, our assessment tools team has a tradition of sitting down together, grabbing some snacks, and listening as each of us shares an anecdote about how we’ve contributed to CEP’s impact for the year. 2014 has been a...

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