In our newest report What Donors Value: How Community Foundations Can Increase Donor Satisfaction, Referrals, and Future Giving we explored why donor satisfaction matters at community foundations and what donor perceptions best predict it. We noted that, while not the...
The CEP blog aims to offer a range of perspectives, experiences, and opinions related to effective philanthropic practice. We welcome submissions that address crucial issues facing individual and institutional donors and are not self-promotional in nature. The views expressed in these posts are not necessarily CEP’s own.
Five Simple Answers about the Opportunity Index
When we developed the Opportunity Index in 2011 with our social science research partner, Measure of America, we asked ourselves a lot of questions. As a data-driven organization, we understand the power – and limitations – of research. So we weren’t surprised when...
Data Point: At Community Foundations, Donors’ Demographics do not Predict Their Level of Satisfaction
In recent years, broad societal trends have affected community foundations and the way they engage potential donors. Increased access to data and analysis about nonprofit organizations—fueled by the growth of online resources like GuideStar, GiveWell, and Charity...
Leading the Change
If philanthropy is going to be successful in tackling the great challenges in society, we need to start by changing the culture within our organizations. As philanthropists, we work to promote the common good. And as the face of America continues to change, embracing...
Great Philanthropy Mirrors Great Education
All foundations, schools and universities seek to help people do what they otherwise might not be able to do. Great educators and educational settings create conditions for inspiration, growth and achievement. Great foundations can and should do the same for their...
Purposefully Welcoming Donors to GCF Enhances Relationships
A Wonderful Problem At The Greater Cincinnati Foundation (GCF), we have a wonderful problem: two-thirds of our new donors/fund establishers are unfamiliar with our organization — let alone our mission or impact in our community. Sure, they may have seen our...
Calling Off the Search for the Silver Bullet
The research, What Donors Value: How Community Foundations Can Increase Donor Satisfaction, Referrals, and Future Giving by the Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) comes at an opportune time. The community foundation sector is reflecting on its history as it...
Seeking Not Just Fundholders, But Co-Investors
CEP’s most recent report takes a look at a question all community foundation donor services staff want answered: how can you increase satisfaction among foundation donors? What is the magic bullet for increasing referrals, gifts into existing funds, and overall...
Bridging the Gap: Connecting Community Foundation Donors and Community Needs
The Rhode Island Foundation was pleased to partner with the Center for Effective Philanthropy on a Donor Perception Report in both 2010 and 2013. (As the first-ever customer of the Grantee Perception Report in 2002, we recognize the importance of direct customer...
From Through to With: The Art of Donor Relations
The Center for Effective Philanthropy’s recently released report, What Donors Value: How Community Foundations Can Increase Donor Satisfaction, Referrals, and Future Giving, on what donors want and value from community foundations reminds me of my first week of...
Foundation CEOs on Foundation Boards: Few and Far Between
Good foundation governance is a subject of much discussion and debate. Recently, one of our board members, Crystal Hayling, suggested to us that foundation boards would function better if more of their members were CEOs of other foundations. Her argument made sense to...
More Debate About Claims: An Update
Assertions about what is known should not be made lightly. They matter – especially when they are published in respected journals by respected authors. To the extent that poorly supported, or unsupported, claims are seen by readers to be credible – and practices are...
Framework vs. Franchise: Why Business is an Ineffective Analog for Philanthropy
In the February 24, 2014 issue of the Chronicle of Philanthropy, Phil Buchanan authored another strong opinion piece, Unlike For-Profits, Nonprofits Succeed By Sharing the Work and the Glory. In a growing quest for significant outcomes and measurement, he notes “The...
Foundations’ Sunsetting: A Burgeoning Trend?
A recent article in the Wall Street Journal headlined “Spending Down the Family Foundation” suggests that more philanthropists are choosing to donate all their wealth within their lifetimes, instead of holding it in perpetuity. The story cites Bridgespan’s analysis of...
Methodology Matters, Part 2: A Claim about Companies’ Role in Education in SSIR
On Monday, I posted a blog about the March cover story in Harvard Business Review (HBR), on work-life balance, arguing that the conclusions drawn by the authors were not credible. I took issue with the low sample size of their survey and an interview methodology that...
Methodology Matters: HBR’s Weak Cover Story on Work vs. Life
The cover story of the March 2014 Harvard Business Review (HBR) on work-life balance was of interest to me because, like most of us, I struggle with getting this right. I worry about it for myself, of course, and also for the staff of CEP. So I cracked open...
The Need for a “Discerning Heart”
With so much to read, emails on top of new reports on top of blog posts, it feels like a luxury to re-read…anything. When I have a few free minutes, there are a few pieces I try to return to, particularly an essay by Alan Pifer that serves as a regular reminder to me...
The Grantee Perspective on Nonprofit Sustainability
Although there has much discussion about nonprofit sustainability, the “overhead myth,” and unrestricted funding (see TCC Group’s “The Sustainability Formula,” GEO’s “On the Money” and NFF’s “2013 State of the Nonprofit sector” as just a few examples), nonprofits...
Off to GEO 2014: Some Thoughts on Foundations – and Effectiveness – Today
My first Grantmakers for Effective Organizations (GEO) conference was in 2002, but I remember it very clearly. It was a big deal to me because it was the first time I attended a significant conference and spoke about what CEP was learning in its early research. The...
How Far Have We Come In…Understanding Impact?
In the past decade, foundations have become more deeply engaged in assessing their performance. But performance assessment is only a means to an end. The real question is – do foundations feel like they now have a better understanding of their impact? To find this...