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The CEP blog aims to offer a range of perspectives, experiences, and opinions related to effective philanthropic practice. We welcome submissions that address crucial issues facing individual and institutional donors and are not self-promotional in nature. The views expressed in these posts are not necessarily CEP’s own.

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What More Can We Do?
What More Can We Do?

Brooklyn is home to the largest Black community in North America. Nearly 70 percent of the borough’s residents are non-white. For our staff at the Brooklyn Community Foundation, the events of the past year have revealed in the starkest terms that systemic racism is...

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What does it mean to be philanthropic?
What does it mean to be philanthropic?

In the scheme of the foundation world, the Langeloth Foundation is tiny. Years ago, at a cocktail party, I met someone on the investment side of a large New York-based foundation who asked me what one foundation staffer inevitably asks of another: “How big is your...

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Top 10 Most-Read CEP Blog Posts of 2020
Top 10 Most-Read CEP Blog Posts of 2020

Unprecedented. Uniquely challenging. Tumultuous. Uncertain. There’s been no shortage of buzzwords to describe 2020 that we are all sick of hearing. Whatever language you use to describe this year, the crises of 2020 have demanded philanthropy to rethink...

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What does giving done right mean to you?
What does giving done right mean to you?

On this Giving Tuesday, as I think about how I can be a better donor in the closing month of a year that’s been challenging unlike any other, I’ve been reflecting a lot on what I learned from the inspirational guests my co-host Phil Buchanan and I interviewed this...

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