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The CEP blog aims to offer a range of perspectives, experiences, and opinions related to effective philanthropic practice. We welcome submissions that address crucial issues facing individual and institutional donors and are not self-promotional in nature. The views expressed in these posts are not necessarily CEP’s own.

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Confronting Overwork
Confronting Overwork

In our staff surveys at CEP, year after year, we receive great marks on most dimensions. But if there is one consistent critical theme over the years, it is a real concern about workload. And if I am to be brutally honest, I think I have sometimes trivialized that...

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Embracing Reality
Embracing Reality

On the CEP blog last week and this week, CEP President Phil Buchanan is discussing, in a series of eight posts, recent critiques of large, staffed foundations and assertions that recently-established, “lean” foundations are paving a promising new path without being...

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Staff Quality Matters
Staff Quality Matters

On the CEP blog last week and this week, CEP President Phil Buchanan is discussing, in a series of eight posts, recent critiques of large, staffed foundations and assertions that recently-established, “lean” foundations are paving a promising new path without being...

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Staffing a Foundation for Impact
Staffing a Foundation for Impact

On the CEP blog last week and this week, CEP President Phil Buchanan is discussing, in a series of eight posts, recent critiques of large, staffed foundations and assertions that recently-established, “lean” foundations are paving a promising new path without being...

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Discussing the Role of Foundation Staff
Discussing the Role of Foundation Staff

This week, CEP President Phil Buchanan has taken on the critique that large, staffed foundations are plodding along on the fast path to extinction while newer, leaner foundations are ushering in the future of philanthropy. In this series, titled “Foundation Staff...

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No One Model
No One Model

On the CEP blog this week and next, CEP President Phil Buchanan is discussing, in a series of eight posts, recent critiques of large, staffed foundations and assertions that recently-established, “lean” foundations are paving a promising new path without being saddled...

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Are Big Staffed Foundations Obsolete?
Are Big Staffed Foundations Obsolete?

On the CEP blog this week and next, CEP President Phil Buchanan will discuss, in a series of eight posts, recent critiques of large, staffed foundations and assertions that recently-established, “lean” foundations are paving a promising new path without being saddled...

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