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Jen Wilka

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Rethinking What Constitutes Impact
Rethinking What Constitutes Impact

This post was originally posted on the CEP blog in March 2021.  Foundations and individual donors need to reconceive impact in a way that puts hearing firsthand the experiences of those they seek to help front and center. If any area illustrates this point, it is...

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Rethinking What Constitutes Impact
Rethinking What Constitutes Impact

Foundations and individual donors need to reconceive impact in a way that puts hearing firsthand the experiences of those they seek to help front and center. If any area illustrates this point, it is education. After all, listening to students should not be a radical...

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Unlocking the Potential of Beneficiary Feedback
Unlocking the Potential of Beneficiary Feedback

[vc_row el_class="sixtysix-thirtythree"][vc_column width="2/3"][vc_column_text]How can we better listen to, learn from, and act on feedback from those we seek to help?  The topic of listening to beneficiaries has received increasing attention in recent years. CEP...

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