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A Foundation Website for Sore Eyes
A Foundation Website for Sore Eyes

A version of this blog post from CEP Associate Manager, Research, Matthew Leiwant originally appeared on the CEP blog in March 2016. It is re-posted here as part of our Rewind series. Sifting through every nook and cranny of 73 foundation websites is not fun. On its...

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Foundations for Openness
Foundations for Openness

Our tagline at Fund for Shared Insight is “Philanthropy. Open for improvement.”* Founded in July 2014, Fund for Shared Insight (“Shared Insight”) is a funder collaborative working to improve philanthropy by increasing foundation openness. We...

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A Foundation Website for Sore Eyes
A Foundation Website for Sore Eyes

Sifting through every nook and cranny of 73 foundation websites is not fun. On its face, that statement does not seem revelatory, but I really would not have thought about it much until the CEP research team started collecting data for our latest research report on...

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Transparency for Impact
Transparency for Impact

This post originally appeared on The McKnight Foundation blog. If my email inbox had a theme in the past few weeks, it’s been transparency. The Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) just released a report called Sharing What Matters: Foundation Transparency....

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Openness with a Purpose
Openness with a Purpose

Expectations for sharing information in today’s society are high. Before Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest (the list goes on), we didn’t know what our distant relatives were eating for breakfast or have instant access to pictures of a...

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