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Emma Poole

Awards Management Associate at Lever for Change (as of July 2021)

Former Position at CEP
Senior Analyst, Assessment and Advisory Services

Length of Tenure at CEP
2.75 years

What are you up to these days?
I’m working as Awards Management Associate at Lever for Change, a MacArthur Foundation affiliate that makes positive change in the world by unlocking funding for solutions to global challenges, by addressing issues donors care about through custom competitions and a network of high-impact problem solvers.

How did your time at CEP prepare you for what you are doing now?
I draw on the skills that I learned at CEP everyday! At CEP, I gained everything from a nuanced understanding of the field of philanthropy and building strong client relationships within it, to a deep commitment to thoughtful data collection, organization, and purposeful analysis, to technical skills like Excel and SQL. CEP instilled in me a deep respect for the insights and feedback of those doing the work on the ground, and I would like to think that this value, among others learned at CEP,  is one that will inform my day-to-day work for many years to come.

What do you miss most about working at CEP?
Has to be the people! The warmth, patience, and care that each of my colleagues brought to work each day has without a doubt informed the way that I try to show up for my colleagues in the workplace. Not only are they committed to what they do and how they do it, but they are also hilarious and kind!

What advice would you give someone about working at CEP?
Few places are set up to onboard newcomers as well as CEP is. You will have the most thorough training helmed by the most savvy colleagues and mentors, all of whom will be eager to help you get situated. The expectation is not that you will know it all on day one, so lean into not knowing and ask all of your questions! And once you are up to speed, keep asking questions! CEP’s commitment to staff’s growth is remarkable.

Describe your perfect Sunday.
Up early to beat the line at a new bakery, followed by a long walk by the lake where I meet many dogs. The afternoon is spent reading in a sunny chair while a big pot of something cooks on the stove. In the evening, friends come over to share it with me, and then there is a lot of dessert.

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