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Mark Chaffin

Master of Science candidate, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (as of August 2016)

Former position at CEP
Senior Research Analyst

Length of tenure at CEP
2 years

What are you up to these days?
I am pursuing a Master of Science in Computational Biology and Quantitative Genetics from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

How did your time at CEP prepare you for what you’re doing now?
CEP taught me valuable data management and quality control skills. My current position requires dealing with enormous amounts of data, and attention to detail is very important. Additionally, CEP introduced me to some more advanced modeling techniques, such as mixed models, and provided the opportunity to develop my skills in R, which I use regularly in my degree program.

What do you miss most about working at CEP?
The close collaborations among my team.

What advice would you give someone about working at CEP?
Take advantage of the opportunity to develop skills related to your work. For me, that was learning new statistical techniques and statistical software. These skills become very transferrable to other roles you may have later on.

Describe your perfect Sunday
Over the summer, probably going for a long day hike up in the White Mountains with friends.

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