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The CEP blog aims to offer a range of perspectives, experiences, and opinions related to effective philanthropic practice. We welcome submissions that address crucial issues facing individual and institutional donors and are not self-promotional in nature. The views expressed in these posts are not necessarily CEP’s own.

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Letting Lived Experience Lead the Way
Letting Lived Experience Lead the Way

During my 11 years working at grassroots nonprofits, funders contacted me for input but didn’t include me in their decision-making. As a formerly incarcerated, directly impacted person, it felt transactional. I walked away from the meetings, wishing I could one...

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Under Threat: LGBTQ+ Rights Right Now
Under Threat: LGBTQ+ Rights Right Now

In 2023, more than five hundred bills attacking the rights of LGBTQ communities — many centered squarely on the civil rights and bodily autonomy of transgender and gender non-conforming (TGNC) people, drag performers, families, and youth — were proposed in state...

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Centering Community Voice in Decision Making
Centering Community Voice in Decision Making

At Compass Working Capital, we recognize that our clients are experts in their own lives. We’re on a mission to end asset poverty for families with low incomes and narrow the racial and gender wealth divides by operating client-centered savings and financial coaching...

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Invest in Rest: Funding Sabbaticals
Invest in Rest: Funding Sabbaticals

Since 2016, The Healing Trust has funded sabbaticals for nonprofit CEO/EDs based on the belief that the healing and wholeness of the people who provide services matters just as much as the clients they serve. We want to exist in a world where all people live with...

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Spending Out: One Funder’s 30-Year Journey
Spending Out: One Funder’s 30-Year Journey

Nothing focuses the mind more than knowing your time is limited. Like a small but growing number of foundations, the Kendeda Fund will sunset at the end of 2023, concluding three decades and more than $1 billion of grantmaking. The decision by our founder...

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