Upcoming CEP Webinar – Herding Lions: Foundation Boards and Equity
Foundation leaders often cite their boards as an impediment to the shifts in practices they see as necessary in these times, CEP research has shown.
How can foundation CEOs and boards evolve so that boards are both more diverse and more focused on the practices and approaches that are needed in this moment? How can CEOs help boards understand and engage with questions of structural inequity?
Join CEP on September 29, 2-3:15 PM ET, for a vital conversation on these questions and more.
Alesha Washington, President & CEO, Seattle Foundation
Dr. Ed Taylor, Board Chair, Seattle Foundation
Mari Kuraishi, CEO, Jessie Ball duPont Fund
Charles “Chuck” Redmond, Trustee, Jessie Ball duPont Fund
Kevin Bolduc, Vice President, Assessment and Advisory Services, Center for Effective Philanthropy
CEP Conference 2023: Save the Date
The Center for Effective Philanthropy will host its biennial conference in Fall 2023! This conference is for senior foundation leaders, trustees, program officers, and major donors. Mark your calendars for Monday, Oct. 30 to Wednesday, Nov. 1, 2023 at the Omni Boston Hotel Seaport, and look out for details and registration to follow soon.
Much Alarm, Less Action: Foundations & Climate Change: Blog Series
CEP’s recent report, Much Alarm, Less Action: Foundations & Climate Change, revealed that while 60 percent of foundation leaders view climate change as an extremely urgent issue, most non-climate funders view the issue as outside the scope of their mission, and less than two percent of global philanthropic giving goes toward climate change mitigation, according to ClimateWorks Foundation.
Since releasing the report, we have solicited the insight, advice, and perspectives of leaders in philanthropy — both climate funders and funder groups and non-climate funders who have begun to explore climate funding — on the CEP blog. Find the full series here, or explore any of the posts below:

‘And’ Approaches in Philanthropy: Funders Can Meet Their Missions AND Address Climate Change
ClimateWorks Foundation’s Shawn Reifsteck discusses the need for more funders of diverse sizes, locations, and missions to incorporate a climate change lens to their work.

Growing Alarm Should Lead to Urgent Funder Action
Stephen Heintz and Deborah Burke of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund reflect on the various ways the Fund has taken climate action as a result of the climate crisis “seeping into every part of our work,” and urge other funders to take urgent action.

Philanthropy: Time to Abandon the Ivory Tower of Climate Policy
New York Community Trust’s Arturo Garcia-Costas calls on philanthropy to rethink its approach to funding climate issues, pointing to the need to both work more collaboratively and to apply a climate lens across programmatic priorities.

How Philanthropy Can Help Save Our Democracy AND Protect the Climate
Climate and Energy Funders Group Program Director Paige Brown draws a clear connection between the need to fund climate and protect American democracy. She notes that without a robust democracy, we will fail across issues, including climate.

A Learning Journey Around Climate Change
Sheila Leddy of Imago Dei Fund candidly shares the Fund’s own recent journey to making climate a funding priority after hearing from grantees that this was an issue that deeply affected them, and on which they needed support. She offers advice for other funders new to climate funding, too.

How Can Philanthropy Rise to Meet the Challenge of the Climate Crisis?
Jehan Velji, director of the Effective Philanthropy Group at the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, makes a clear case for funders to take greater action on climate change, and offers five action-oriented tips to do so.

We are In a Time of New Suns
Executive Director of Unbound Philanthropy Taryn Higashi shares the organization’s journey to working at the intersection of migration and climate justice and calls on all funders to see the intersections of their work with climate action.
CEP in the Media
- The Hill: Can philanthropy rise to the challenge of combating climate change?
- The Chronicle of Philanthropy: Foundations Say Climate Change Is Urgent but Still Fail to Fund Solutions
- Devex: Despite climate alarm, philanthropic dollars are slow to come: Report
- USA Today: When billionaires like Bill Gates give away ‘virtually all’ their wealth, where does it go?
- ClimateWorks Foundation Blog: Listening to and Learning from Our Grantees