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Effective Matters: March 2022

Date: March 31, 2022

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Responding to Overlooked: A CEP Blog Series

Foundation and nonprofit leaders have taken pen to paper to discuss the ways in which philanthropy has overlooked Native American and Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities. In a series of 13 posts on the Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) blog, these leaders shared their perspectives on the findings of two parallel research reports CEP released late last year which brought forward concerning, though not new, findings for both AAPI and Native American leaders and communities. Namely, nonprofit leaders from these communities report having less positive experiences with their foundation funders than nonprofit leaders of other races/ethnicities and, secondly, despite the significant challenges facing these communities, the reports reveal that foundations continue to overlook nonprofits serving them.

In the blog series, “Responding to Overlooked,”  these leaders share insight into first-hand experiences, perspectives on both past approaches and potential solutions, and advice for funders as they make a case for philanthropy to step up when it comes to both supporting and building relationships with these communities. We are grateful for the thoughtful responses these guest authors have submitted, and have collected the series in full here, with the hope that it can deepen the conversation around these reports and draw attention to the imperative of supporting leaders and communities of color that are, too often, overlooked.

Read CEP’s “Responding to Overlooked” series here.

Documenting Nonprofit and Foundation Changes Since 2020

In the two years since the start of the pandemic, the philanthropic sector has experienced what can only be described as an unprecedented level of change. CEP has watched closely the wide-ranging effects of the shifts, instigated by both COVID-19 and a renewed movement for racial equity. We have surveyed, collected and analyzed data, and released reports documenting changing attitudes and practices. Below are a collection of CEP reports and resources that reflect the rapid pace of change since early 2020.

Foundations Respond to Crisis: A Moment of Transformation? (Nov. 2020)

Foundations Respond to Crisis: Toward Equity? (Dec. 2020)

Foundations Respond to Crisis: Toward Greater Flexibility and Responsiveness? (Dec. 2020)

Persevering Through Crisis: The State of Nonprofits (June 2021)

Foundations Respond to Crisis: Lasting Change? (Nov. 2021)

Overlooked (Part One): Foundation Support for Asian American and Pacific Islander Leaders and Communities (Dec. 2021)

Overlooked (Part Two): Foundation Support for Native American Leaders and Communities (Dec. 2021)

In Their Own Words – Funders Share Stories of Change – A Companion Piece to “Foundations Respond to Crisis: Lasting Change?” (Jan. 2022)

Find CEP on YouTube

CEP’s 2021 Virtual Learning Sessions, including our all-time most popular virtual event, “Taking Stock: Philanthropy’s Role in Supporting Racial Equity” are all available to watch on our YouTube channel.

In addition, find many other CEP webinars on themes like the provision of multi-year general operating support or seeking and acting on feedback as well as videos from past CEP conferences, keynote talks from Phil Buchanan, and short informational videos on all things effective giving.

Subscribe now to stay up to date with new content coming soon!

New Faces at CEP

EP & YouthTruth are excited to welcome new staff in both Cambridge and San Francisco, including: Nina Groleger, analyst, Assessment and Advisory Services; Max Miller, analyst, Assessment and Advisory Services; Kristy Luk, manager, Assessment and Advisory Services; Mauricio Teles, manager of data systems and analytics, YouthTruth; and Emily Yang, analyst, Assessment and Advisory Services.

Nina Groleger

Max Miller

Kristy Luk

Mauricio Teles

Emily Yang

CEP’s data-driven custom advisory services can help you answer pressing questions, address tough organizational challenges, or gain a better understanding of your grantees and stakeholders. Interested in learning more about CEP advisory services? Find out more here or reach out to Austin Long at

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If you believe in CEP’s work and our benefit to the philanthropic community, please consider making a grant or an individual contribution to CEP. Supporting CEP means supporting more effective philanthropy. Thank you.

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